Tell the story of your regional event - it's innovative!

You can learn all about how to innovate using storytelling in Tourism & Events Queensland’s guide on Extraordinary Experiences through Storytelling.

Rather than innovating with technology or infrastructure, innovate via storytelling - it's much less expensive.

We remember stories. Imagine if history were taught with stories – we’d never forget what we learned, living the stories of the explorers.

Increased dopamine = increased memorability

Great stories make people think more so they remember more

The world travels for transformative experiences


  • promote wonder

  • make people care

  • help people remember

  • Stories are not a data dump. They are sensory, create emotional connections, memorable, and surprise and delight


  • Innovate without expense

  • Improve visitor experience

  • Increase word of mouth recommendations

  • Increase repeat visitation

  • Promote your event

  • Engage media and via public relations


  • Know your guests/audience

  • Discover, develop, deliver your story – tie it to your region’s hero experiences

  • There are templates for creating different types of stories: monomyths, mountains, nested loops, sparklines, in media res, converging ideas, false starts, petals (see p. 20 of the Extraordinary Experiences Through Storytelling guide)


  • Create a Theme

  • Have an Organised, easy-to-follow story

  • Make it Relevant – ie meaningful and personal

  • Make it Enjoyable!

    Having a story idea

  • Use you: your perspective. Let others access your world, such as going down your country driveway to the mailbox in your ute in the Australian landscape. It is so different for city residents

  • Set up the story (location, who’s there, what’s happening)

  • Something happens

  • Resolve it (what happens in response)

    Instagram stories

  • Plan a story

  • Take a series of photos to show the story:

  • Who? People

  • What? Turtle watching

  • Where? On a boat

  • What happens? Turtle comes, facial reactions

  • Story resolves: Turtle swims away, the day ends with sunset and a beer

    Get others to tell your story

  • What do your visitors love about your event?

  • What happened to them there?

  • “I’m a different person out here, under a blanket of stars”

  • Video testimonials get lots of views!


Here are tips on how to create videos on a phone: 

  • Breathe to have nerves under control. Big, deep breaths with arms raised. Twist your spine. Do it, don’t just read over it. Right, now you are ready to film yourself.

  • Use a deep voice. Fill your lungs down. Extend your spine. Take a long breath as fuel to get you through your sentence. Move through pitch as you speak (don’t use a monotone) – pitch creates movement.

  • Vary your pace. Take your time and don’t rush. Pause. Take a breath. Say the next thing. Give your audience time to absorb what you’re saying. Use a deeper pitch and slower pace for a sunset, but a exciting fast pace and higher pitch for a rodeo or cattle muster.

  • Speak from the heart about what you are really interested in.

  • Add movement to your clip by moving from Point A to Point B while telling one fact. This makes your shot dynamic and more engaging.

  • Use horizontal landscape format for video.

  • Break past the 15 seconds of when viewers get bored by using music.

  • Think about your costume and how it sets the scene: unpretentious, earthy, authentic, approachable, Akubra hat, business uniform – create your character! You’re the face of your business. Be relatable.

  • You’ll get better with practice! Think of your phone as your friend, someone you’re easy with, someone you can have a laugh with easily. Talk to one person. Don’t sound scripted. Look at the lens.

  • For editing videos on your iPhone use iMovie. For Android do a search on Google Playstore to see what suits you.

What is your event’s story?

We would love you to share this in our Facebook group for regional events or via Instagram using #regionalevents


MASTER CLASS: Free media: Big PR ideas for smaller festivals and events

In this bite-sized one-hour Master Class coming up on 10 May PR whiz Anna Hayward will take you through 5 basic steps on free marketing for your event using media.


Learn event marketing skills in our online training program with

  • Training video

  • Supporting resources, tools & templates to help you action learnings

  • Successful case studies and examples to highlight how others do it

  • Links to further supporting readings, podcasts and blog articles to extend your knowledge

  • Access to Q&A sessions to allow for further discussion on the topic

Lesson 1: Planning to achieve results

Lesson 2: Working with media to showcase your event

Lesson 3: Digital marketing

Cristy Houghton

Cristy's unique career has taken her from country NSW to the city lights of Clarendon Street South Melbourne and back again. With an early career in radio as a copywriter and creative strategist, she is now a Jill of all trades as a graphic designer, website builder, blog writer, video editor, social media manager, marketing strategist and more. 

In fact, give her any task and this chick will figure out how to do it! Go on, we dare you!

No, really, we DARE you!!

Cristy has won two Australian Commercial Radio Awards (ACRAs) for Best Ad and Best Sales Promotion, and even has an 'Employee of the Year' certificate with her name on it.

Cristy and her husband James have traveled extensively through Russia, China and South East Asia, and have two fur-babies, Sooty (cat) and Panda (puppy). Cristy loves drinking coffee, meeting people to drink coffee, coffee tasting and coffee flavoured cocktails. She also enjoys road trips, TED Talks and watching cat videos on youtube.

How to do PR for your event effectively


How our Regional Event Management Training Program transforms events