Case Study: The benefits of using professional event management

Grampians Grape Escape: What a regional festival can achieve by investing in professional event resources and collaborating with Local Government to drive results: 42% increase in ticket sales in one year!

Grampians Grape Escape's current event governance model consists of two event professionals who organise the event, with support from a skilled board and 70 volunteers for the week before the event.

The event is 27 years old, and used to be run by a volunteer committee and an industry board made up of wine makers and producers. Previously it had paid amateur event organisers, with little results.

Five years ago, the board decided to change from an industry to a skilled board. Highly skilled event managers have been hired for two years, with the profit made from the festival paying for the professionals.

Council doesn’t run the event; however, a Councillor is chair of the board, and there is a very close working relationship with Council. Five years ago (in line with bringing on professional managers), Council became more involved. Council staff play a hands-on role with early planning phases, in addition to investing $10,000 cash and providing in kind support via waste and traffic services. They realised the economic impact for the region ($2.58m and 15 jobs), and now use the festival to promote the region as a great place to visit and live.

Since Council became more actively involved, the profile and professionalism of the event has been raised. However, the biggest difference has been a result of the engagement of the professional event managers. Since they came on board they have rebranded the event, reinvigorated the marketing strategy and consequently delivered a 42% increase in ticket sales in one year (after 27 years of little results!).

The festival’s position in everything they do is to grow community support and promote the region first then the festival. 

Reach out to us at rEVENTS Academy if you would like support in growing a more successful and sustainable event. 

Our online training program, and DIY templates are focused on event success and delivered by experts with many years of events experience.

Event Management Master Classes

Looking for more support, or want to learn how to run your event more efficiently?

rEVENTS Academy runs bite-sized event management master classes, providing intensive training on one specific skill such as marketing, volunteer management or developing new revenue streams.

Each includes a live and interactive Q&A session and an ongoing discussion board to keep the conversation going afterwards. Join one or two, or join them all.

Cristy Houghton

Cristy's unique career has taken her from country NSW to the city lights of Clarendon Street South Melbourne and back again. With an early career in radio as a copywriter and creative strategist, she is now a Jill of all trades as a graphic designer, website builder, blog writer, video editor, social media manager, marketing strategist and more. 

In fact, give her any task and this chick will figure out how to do it! Go on, we dare you!

No, really, we DARE you!!

Cristy has won two Australian Commercial Radio Awards (ACRAs) for Best Ad and Best Sales Promotion, and even has an 'Employee of the Year' certificate with her name on it.

Cristy and her husband James have traveled extensively through Russia, China and South East Asia, and have two fur-babies, Sooty (cat) and Panda (puppy). Cristy loves drinking coffee, meeting people to drink coffee, coffee tasting and coffee flavoured cocktails. She also enjoys road trips, TED Talks and watching cat videos on youtube.

Case Study: The benefits of Council running a destination event


Reinvigorating regional and rural events