Build a community of advocates and never spend another cent on event marketing!
The average distance people travel to attend Birdsville’s Big Red Bash is 4,300km. Repeat visitation is at 25%. How do they do it??
How to leverage Tourism Australia to promote your regional event
Tips for how events can leverage Tourism Australia’s activities to gain attention to increase attendance.
Our 3 top tips on recruiting and managing event volunteers
Here are 3 top tips from the team at rEVENTS Academy to ensure that you can successfully recruit volunteers and manage them in the most effective way (to ensure you keep them engaged and retain them for next year!).
5 ways regional events can work together to achieve greater success
Collaboration builds the benefits a community receives from its events - and makes the job lighter for event organisers!
What would a ‘boutique’ version of your event look like?
Our new normal demands a new way of thinking.
Have you considered what a boutique version of your mass gathering event could look like?
Effective event sponsorship
No more gold, silver and bronze sponsorship tiers, please!
It’s strategic and well thought out partnership models that will garner support for events.
How to develop a business case to support grant applications
Now is the time to prepare your projects for grant applications that will be announced in coming months, whether your project relates to infrastructure, marketing, training for your committee, hiring performers or consultants or equipment, or planning how you will revitalise your event post-COVID.
What is the place for virtual events now and into the future?
During the current ban on physical gatherings, some event organisers who want to continue to engage their audiences are taking the brave step to take their event, or elements of their event, online.
Brave, because running an online event is not the same as running a physical event. A bowl of noodles and a laptop at home is a long way from an annual festival that people look forward to all year - and while people are happy to pay for real world events, they may well be less likely to want to pay for online events.
Case Studies: How innovation and creative marketing will support events to bounce back
During this crisis time for the events sector remember to look after your community - your loyal advocates, attendees, and fan tribe (even when all you want to do is dig a big hole and escape the world!)
Here we share inspiring case studies from around the world where creativity and passion is allowing events to maintain enthusiasm, connection and loyalty with their community.
Rising up to the challenges of regional events
We’ve created a series of Regional Event Master Class webinars for 2020 designed to improve your ability to cope with the challenges that come from running a regional event.
5 tips on creating loyal advocates for your event
Is your event struggling to attract repeat visitors?
Do visitors come to your event once and then cross it off their bucket list?
Attracting repeat visitors is one thing but creating loyal advocates for your event is something else. It is something that all events should strive for.
A super-useful tool for regional events - all the 'how-to' in one guide
From strategy to risk management and event marketing to budgeting, the Queensland events guide is loaded with useful content suitable for regional events across Australia
Case Study: The benefits of event management by a regional tourism organisation
The reinvigoration of a long-standing festival by introducing professional event expertise and intensive Local Government support.
7 ways to make sure your regional event is around for the long-term
Is your regional event sustainable?
Has it outgrown the capability of its volunteer workforce?
Does it struggle to break even financially?
Here are 7 ways to ensure your event’s viability
Case Study: The benefits of Council running a destination event
How a festival successfully transitioned from a volunteer-managed community event into a regional hallmark festival run by Local Government.
Case Study: The benefits of using professional event management
What a regional festival can achieve by investing in professional event resources and collaborating with Local Government to drive results:
42% increase in ticket sales in one year!
Reinvigorating regional and rural events
Regional events face complex challenges that impact their sustainability and success.
Here are our top tips on how to address them.
A strategic approach rather than a bandaid solution
Case study:
How South Burnett Regional Council used rEVENTS Academy to help build the capacity of the region's event committees.
How to develop new income streams for your event – a step by step guide
Create NSW's Creating New Income Toolkit is a practical guide on how to generate revenue, equally useful for events as for the artists it was written for.
The guide covers philanthropy, sponsorship, crowdfunding and new product development, itemising the steps needed to develop and grow these income streams.
What are the solutions to the biggest challenges for regional events?
A survey of regional and rural events throughout Australia was conducted in September 2018 to provide us with a better understanding of what their main challenges and opportunities are.
With close to 40 responses, the sample size provides some interesting insights and trends.